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Zombie ME v3.1
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  • 21.04.2009, 10:33

    Когда у вас 16000$ пишем /zombieme или /zombie в чате

    Автор: Purple nurple
    Version: 3.1


    What does it do?
    While you are in game and your the last person on your team and have $16000
    or the z_cost cvar type /zombieme to turn into A ZOMBIE. Zombies go faster
    have higher hp knife only higher armor and if they die the person that was a
    zombie gets put back to normal. They now do more damage depending on cvar. This is not a zombie mod like zombie swarm or an infection mod its just a fun addon. kinda like /chickenme

    z_speed (420 default) changes zombies speed.
    z_cost (16000 default) changes zombies cost.
    z_health (1300 default) changes zombies health.
    z_armor (200 default) changes zombies armor.
    z_gravity (0.5 default) 1.0 normal changes gravity.
    z_glow (1 default) 1 on 0 off make zombies glow.
    z_buyable (1 default) 1 on 0 off if people can buy it.
    z_arena (0 default) 1 CT's are zombies 2 T's are zombies.
    z_adminonly z_adminonly (0 default) 1 on 0 off if only admins can be zombies.
    z_sounds (1 default) 1 on 0 off Zombie now make random sounds(sounds are from hl1)
    z_damage (20 default) How much damage zombies do + normal damage

    Whats new?:

    -z_sounds for random zombie idle sounds
    -z_damage zombies do more damage
    -Added knife sounds for zombie too
    -Added zombie Death sound
    -Fixed Glowing no more fat shell
    -Zombie Nightvision
    -added server cvar to make it easer to find server with this plugin
    -removed nightvision message i was using for testing.
    -fix red screen not going away after you died

    Zombies have:
    Sweet knife model.
    New pain sounds.
    New player model.
    If cvar is set will go red on t and blue on ct.

    Tested on:
    cz (works but u must have cstrike module)
    cs (works)

    say zombieme or /zombieme
    team_say zombieme or /zombieme
    say zombiehelp [for zombiehelp]
    amx_zombiehelp [for help]
    amx_zombie (Player name,CT,T,@ALL) requires ADMIN_KICK

    Known Bugs:
    some error logs should be fixed in next version.
    *messes up chicken mod model
    *Knife damage not working correctly
    Please post if you find any.

    To do:
    For all of you that keep asking for infection it will be done! Just not sure how yet...
    Should i make it turn the player into a zombie and move them to there team? or keep them on that team and turn them into a zombie not sure. POST IDEAS!!!
    Post ideas!
    Limits I'll add this when i get infection.
    *z_team (1 ct only, 2 t only, 3 everyone)
    *z_zombie_limit (how many times can a person be a zombie?)
    *z_messages (Should we show a message when someone turns into a zombie?)
    *z_bomb (1 can use bomb 0 can't)
    *z_weapons (1 can use any gun 0 can't) //This would be scary to see a zombie with a gun!

    Рекомендуем посмотреть:
    Категория: Effect | Добавил: Kz-love | Теги: Zombie ME v3.1
    Просмотров: 868 | Загрузок: 3 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
    Всего комментариев: 0



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